HM Academy St. Gallen
It takes more than knowledge of the law to make a good lawyer. Equally important to us are an ability to understand the way our clients think, a talent for communication and negotiation, and an eye for the bigger picture. Our HM Academy, St. Gallen, lets you round off your legal education on the job, fine-tune your practical skills and earn an academic qualification.
All incoming Hengeler Mueller associates are automatically registered at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). We have worked closely with the University to design a tailor-made, five-year programme for our associates, focusing on law, economics, and a range of soft skills. In addition to aspects of business law that are particularly relevant to the work we do at Hengeler Mueller, associates study relevant facets of economics and business administration, and attend seminars to build soft skills: from presentation techniques to leadership tools. Twice a year, associates from all offices who join our firm during the same intake period get to spend five days together with their immediate contemporaries.
After two-and-a-half years of study, our associates are awarded a certificate, and on completing the five-year programme they receive a Diploma of Advanced Studies from HSG. The credits earned are about half of what is required for an Executive MBA. They can be applied towards degree programmes at the HSG or other universities, in line with the Bologna Accord.

Wir freuen uns, dass die HM Akademie St. Gallen nunmehr ins 15. Jahr startet. Bisher haben über 500 Associates in fast 30 Jahrgängen das Programm besucht. Das ist ein großer Erfolg, auf den wir wirklich stolz sind. Die HM Akademie St. Gallen verbindet fachliche Ausbildung auf höchstem Niveau mit persönlicher Entwicklung und das alles zugeschnitten auf die besonderen Anforderungen, denen unsere jungen Anwältinnen und Anwälte in der täglichen Beratung unserer Mandanten begegnen. Hinzu kommen der besondere Zusammenhalt und Teamspirit, der die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer eines jeden Jahrgangs verbindet – auch das ist ein wichtiger Teil unserer HM Akademie St. Gallen.
Thomas Müller, Dr. Bernd Wirbel (Managing Partner)