Daniel represents national and international companies in complex disputes before national courts, in international arbitration proceedings and in alternative dispute resolution. He focuses on international arbitration, in particular post-M&A, and on cross-border defense cases in critical bet-the-company scenarios.

In the past, Daniel has gained vast experience in advising on corporate law and international M&A transactions, such as representing Linde AG in its merger of equals with Praxair, Inc. Today, Daniel represents national and international clients particularly in post M&A disputes under the rules of all relevant arbitral institutions.

His most recent cases include the successful defense of a tier 1 automotive supplier against a EUR 160 million post-M&A claim and the successful defense against alleged claims in relation to an earn-out clause in the retail sector. Further, Daniel advises various national and international clients strategically on potential disputes pertaining to M&A transactions and important cooperation agreements. Daniel also regularly advises on investment law disputes and nationality planning.

Daniel's further major cross-border cases include the global defense of TÜV SÜD AG in relation to the rupture of the tailings dam in Brumadinho/Brazil. Daniel also represents a DAX40 company in its Europe-wide defense against alleged investor claims relating to certain US financial products. Daniel also frequently advises insurance companies on insured activities abroad and has successfully negotiated several settlements in US mediations. In addition, Daniel has particular expertise in corporate disputes and asset management litigation.

Daniel lectures at the University of Augsburg and regularly publishes on arbitration topics.


  • Admitted to bar 2015
  • Lecturer at University of Augsburg
  • University of Augsburg (Dr. jur.)
  • George Washington University (LL.M.)

Practice Areas


  • How robust is the protection of German investments in China? SchiedsVZ 2024, 299-306
  • EuGH: Wirtschafts- und Handelsabkommen der EU mit Kanada (CETA) mit Unionsrecht vereinbar (Anm. Daniel Engel), SchiedsVZ 2019, 226
  • Investitionsschutzstreitigkeiten in der Europäischen Union, SchiedsVZ 2015, 218-225
  • Das Investor-Staat-Streitbeilegungssystem auf dem unionsrechtlichen Prüfstand, SchiedsVZ 2017, 291-299
  • Zwischenschritte als ad-hoc-veröffentlichungspflichtige Insiderinformation, AG 2019, 160-169 (with Jochen Vetter, Theresa Lauterbach)