Julian advises a wide spectrum of corporate clients as well as private equity funds and other financial investors in M&A projects.

He also advises corporates and investors in all fields of capital markets law and corporate law.

He has a particular focus on the preparation of shareholders' meetings, capital and other structural measures as well as matters relating to groups of companies.


  • Admitted to bar 2023
  • University of Passau
  • Max-Planck-Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance
  • University of Oxford (M.Sc.)


  • Referendarexamensklausur Zivilrecht – Schuldrecht: Der misslungene Umtausch (together with Jonas Bühler), JURA – Juristische Ausbildung, 44 (4), 492-500.
  • The Quest for a Common Fiscal Response to Fight COVID-19, in: Eidenmüller/Enriques/van Zwieten/Helleringer (eds.), Covid-19 and Business Law, CH Beck/Hart/Nomos 2020
  • Unions- und verfassungsrechtliche Zulässigkeit einer gemeinsamen fiskalischen Antwort der Eurozonen-Mitgliedstaaten auf COVID-19, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht/European Journal of Economic Law (EuZW) 8/2020
  • The EU's economic emergency measures and German constitutional constraints, EU Law Live Weekend Edition, 24. April 2020
  • The Quest for a Common Fiscal Response to Fight COVID-19: is the Eurogroup Rescue Package sufficient?, Oxford Business Law Blog, 23. April 2020
  • ESM-loans or Corona-Bonds – A legal analysis from the German Perspective, VOX CEPR Policy Portal, 4. April 2020
  • ESM-loans or Corona-bonds – An analysis of their compatibility with EU Law, the ESM-Treaty and German Constitutional Law, Regulation-Y, 4. April 2020
  • ESM-Kredite statt Corona-Bonds, Verfassungsblog, 26. März 2020
  • Review of: Gaspare Falsità: Unità e pluralità del concetto di abuso del diritto nell´ordinamento interno e nel sistema comunitario (Rivista di Diritto Tributario 2018, 333-350), Steuer und Wirtschaft (StuW) 2019, No. 1, 103-104
  • Review of: Blair-Stanek: Crisis and Tax (Duke Law Journal, Vol. 67, 155-217), Steuer und Wirtschaft (StuW) 2018, No. 3, 288-289
  • Review of: Abreu and Greenstein: Tax as Everylaw: Interpretation, Enforcement and the Legitimacy of the IRS (Tax Lawyer, 2016, No. 3, 493-512), Steuer und Wirtschaft (StuW) 2017, No. 1, 93-94